Training videos
A selection of demonstrations and lectures on radiosurgery techniques and topics
We are committed to increasing knowledge within the sterotactic radiosurgery community.
With Ian's wealth of experience he is a regular international speaker & here he shares this knowledge with you; for the purpose of encouraging excellence in treatment planning and other areas of radiosurgery.
Margins in SRS
A presentation on the use of margins for SRS treatments.
Small Field Dosimetry and its Clinical Implications
Small fields (≥1cm diameter) are notoriously difficult to measure. Errors have led to catastrophic consequences for patients. In this lecture I share dosimetrical methods and the clinical implications of compromises. This talk was given to the ESSFN in 2020.
Hypofractionated Radiotherapy: The Radiobiological Foundation
Hypofractionated radiosurgery is a popular technique, particularly for peri-optic or large tumours. However, radiobiological dogma has helped promote this technique, arguably beyond it's utility. In this talk I explain some of the radiobiological fundamentals that need to be considered when choosing hypofractionated techniques.
Dedicated vs Multi-Purpose SRS Systems - Benchmarking Comparisons in the Literature
There have been an increasing number of platform comparison studies in recent years, with most comparisons limited to single-center studies. Study bias is common in the literature, due to various study flaws including: comparison of non-contemporary equipment, unequal expertise and comparison of plans created in a clinical versus study environment.
NHS England sponsored a national benchmarking program in order to evaluate current practices across clinical centers treating benign brain tumors and metastases. This NHS study, arguably the 'study to end all studies', provides a unique dataset of current practice across a large number of providers and equipment platforms. This will be reviewed in detail during the webinar.
Advanced MRI for Radiosurgical Treatment Planning
This lecture covers state of the art imaging techniques in imaging for radiosurgical planning including diffusion and perfusion MRI, ASL and tractography. This talk was originally given at the ISRS radiosurgery course in Sigulda, Hungary.
Treatment planning of a multiple metastases case with Ian Paddick
A short video demonstrating the planning of multiple metastases with GammaPlan.
The Conformity and Gradient Index
Treatment plan quality parameters are an invaluable way of objectively assessing the merits of a treatment plan. of I explain the pros and cons of different conformity indices and explain the reasons why I developed the Paddick Conformity and Gradient Indices. This talk was given to the ESSFN in 2020.
The management of Brain Metastases with the Gamma Knife
The management of Brain Metastases with the Gamma Knife has pushed the boundaries of what has been considered possible with radiotherapy. In this lecture I share my experience in helping treat over 2000 patients with brain metastases over 22 years.
Lifetime Risk from Extracranial Doses received during SRS
Radiation protection in radiotherapy has traditionally involved protecting the patient from doses in the higher range that produce complications not those that increase cancer risk; this is because patients had usually malignant disease and a relatively short prognosis.
For radiosurgery, patients often don’t have cancer at all and in the case of AVMs, patients are typically young and have the same life expectancy of their peers. In this webinar, Ian talks about the risks associated with the body dose received from intracranial radiosurgery treatments and demonstrates that doses vary significantly with age, sex and the platform used to deliver the treatment.
Radiobiological (BED) Modelling of SRS - The Inconvenient Truth?
For treatments that take a significant time to deliver the repair of sub-lethal DNA damage occurs. This has the effect of lowering the Biologicially Effective Dose (BED). There has been resistance to this phenomenon by the radiosurgical community since it creates difficulties that are inconvenient.
In this talk Ian gives the evidence for DNA repair and the reduction in the BED with treatment time, demonstrating simple methods that can be used to compensate for this effect.
Treatment planning of a trigeminal neuralgia case with Ian Paddick
A short video demonstrating the planning of trigeminal neuralgia with GammaPlan. This features the trick of using the "align to AC-PC line" trick to sample MR images and reformat in a different oblique view.