Attending a Clinical Week
You only have one chance to make a great first impression
Clinical routines quickly become established in the first clinical week.
Let us be there to ensure that safe and clinically efficient routines are practiced from day one and great first impressions are made with staff and patients.

Clinical Start-up week
While a clinical start-up week is normally included by Elekta as part of the installation package we offer this five day training support in cases when a 'second start' is required. Clinical teams find it extremely valuable to interact with an international expert during clinical work; allowing them to ask questions as they arise in the clinical workplace. Other support can be given during the clinical week including MRI QA & optimisation, clinical audit and formal training.
Clinical week
Some radiosurgery treatments require additional expertise; vascular targets or functional treatments for example. Treatment of these indications are often not attempted until the clinical team have become established and are confident enough to progress to the next level. An effective way of enabling this development is to schedule a clinical week that concentrates a number of these patient types. We can work alongside the treating team, guiding and teaching during the clinical process.